OOC rules:
- Never metagame or mix IC with OOC. Any kind of evidence for this WILL be reported to an administrator.
- Always RP in public. If there's one or more players with you, it's public. Non RP actions will be reported to administrators, IF there's evidence prooving such action has occured.
- Never DM. DM = kick and report to admin
- Cheat/Hack and you die...
- Spam will result in a warning. Get 3 warnings and your out. Warnings can be removed
- Never powergame. When you're powergaming you're doing something impossible like "/me stabbs him with a knife and he dies," or /me kicks the man's gun out of his hand."
IC rules:
- Never blow your cover or sell information.
- Never wear guns when not on a mission.
- Never show guns in public
- Never dissobey the leader's orders.
- Never leave any traces.
- Always complay with the clients wishes.
More rules will come up after you've joined.
Copy this form and answer in PM. All applications posted in here will be deleted:
Ingame name:
RL age:
IG age:
How long have you played samp RP?
What servers?
How would you rate your RP skill (1-10)?
What's OOC?
What's IC?
What's RP?
What's Metagaming?
What's Powergaming?
Do you agree to the rules above?
IG Phonenumber:
PS! You will not be answered in the forum. You'll be called IG by a contact IF you've been accepted.